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BA(Hons) Musical Theatre Performance Course

20 - 25 Students per Year
Average 25 Contact Hours per Week
Triple Threat Training
3 Public Performances per Year
Agent Showcase

Industry Led Learning

The BA (Hons) Musical Theatre Course, validated by The University of West London at MPAA, is an intensive training programme that builds your skills through technical classes, workshops and internal projects and external performances enabling the depth of understanding required to be a successful triple threat musical theatre performer. This course is headed by Kevin Fountain​ LRAM ARAM ALCM.

Some Private Tuition in singing, acting and voice is included from Year 1, allowing you to achieve an accomplished solo performance standard by graduation in Year 3. Vocal training and vocal health for both singing and acting are fundamental from the beginning of the course. All key voice staff have worked with the Estill Voice Training System – THE leading model in training and muscular understanding for the voice. Ensemble Singing classes strengthen harmony work and sight singing skills with Integration and Repertoire supporting the development of acting through song. History of Musical Theatre ensures you understand the importance of the development of Musical Theatre through the ages in all its styles. Group Acting, Improvisation and Voice classes help strengthen confidence with the spoken word through scenes, monologues and plays.

Oklahoma – July 2021

Dance training includes Ballet, Jazz, Tap, Musical Theatre, Commercial, Choreography and Contemporary with Industry Workshops taken by leading West End/Broadway performers. Pilates, Tricks Class, Double Work and Body Conditioning help to build physical strength ensuring that you maintain prime physical fitness.
Your progress is followed in all lessons on a continual basis with formative assessments taking place in all modules. Feedback is given in individual tutorials with guidance to build skills in preparation for your summative assessments.
There are 3 public performances throughout the year. These include a Cabaret Performance, a Dance Based Show and a full-scale Musical with orchestra. Additionally an Agent Showcase is included in Year 3.

Internal and External projects involve working alongside industry professionals in all areas – from Directors and Musical Directors to Choreographers and Costume/Set designers. These projects are performed both in-house at the Academy as well as at professional theatre spaces including Sadler’s Wells, The Shaw Theatre, and Home House.

As part of our commitment to Industry Led Learning, Masterclasses and talks from Industry professionals take place for all years and intensify in your final year.

Degree Breakdown

Level 4

Level 5

Level 6

Acting & Spoken Voice
20 Credits
The Musical Theatre Actor
20 Credits
Cabaret Performances
20 Credits
Singing Studies
20 Credits
Singing Style & Integration
20 Credits
Research In Performance
20 Credits
Dance Studies
40 Credits
Dance and Choreography
40 Credits
Dance & Musical Perfomance
40 Credits
The Rehearsal Process
40 Credits
The Performance Journey
40 Credits
Engaging with the Industry
40 Credits

Degree Breakdown

Level 4

Singing Studies
20 Credits
Acting & Spoken Voice
20 Credits
Dance Studies
40 Credits
The Rehearsal Process
40 Credits

Level 5

The Musical Theatre Actor
20 Credits
Singing Style & Integration
20 Credits
Dance and Choreography
40 Credits
The Performance Journey
40 Credits

Level 6

Cabaret Performances
20 Credits
20 Credits
Dance & Musical Perfomance
40 Credits
Engaging with the Industry
40 Credits

Student Support

Pastoral Care and Student Support is integral to the training at MPAA. Embedded within the course is consistent mental health well-being support. This takes the form of Mindfulness, Journaling and Workshops to deal with the common challenges that young performers face. This is done in conjunction with Chartered Psychologist, Dr Lucie Clements, and the Emerge Method.

Additional counselling services are offered through the British Association of Performing Arts Medicine (BAPAM).

Year Tutors are the first point of call for emotional support and the Company Manager is on hand to provide the necessary pastoral care if challenges arise. This tiered approach means that you get the right level of support if and when you need it.

MPAA Previous Performances